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We provide permanent planting in your spaces with our vertical garden panels that are resistant to weather conditions and UV rays and have rich alternatives. We bring nature to your fields by saving on irrigation and maintenance needs.

Artificial vertical gardens are designed to withstand even the harshest conditions, air pollution, full sun exposure and constant wind. These challenging conditions are not suited for living plants to grow well. Artificial vertical garden panels, providing durable natural foliage, are a solid and attractive alternative for living wall plants.

Artificial vertical gardens are becoming the most suitable option for creating green designs outdoors with the advantage of high durability outdoors. At the same time, thanks to artificial vertical gardens, it is possible to maximize the compatibility with nature outdoors.

The development and maintenance of a green wall created with real plants consists of many factors, including plumbing, irrigation, regular maintenance and light availability. Artificial vertical gardens are another creative way to achieve the green look without the hassle of maintenance.

With our artificial vertical garden applications, you can experience the feeling of being in nature by changing the air of your spaces. We realize the design you dream with our vertical garden panels in the texture and color you want.

You may include laurels, daffodils, clover, boxwood, basil, tea, different plant species and other trendy artificial products in your artificial vertical gardens outdoors.

You can contact us for detailed information about our outdoor artificial vertical garden applications and prices.

It is the perfect choice for outdoor applications, from balcony walls to the entire building.

The artificial vertical garden guarantees a professional design with the benefits of low maintenance, plant diversity and year-round natural beauty.

While bringing naturalness to spaces with artificial vertical gardens, artificial plants, which offer rich texture and color options, we create original designs and add personality to your spaces. It is possible to make combinations of artificial plants at the desired density in artificial vertical garden designs.

Thanks to the diversity of artificial plants, after the artificial vertical garden application, results with rich visual aesthetics emerge. We guarantee the use of our maintenance-free vertical gardens for many years.

Artificial vertical gardens are used for many years, do not require maintenance and provide rich visuals, and thanks to the positive effects of green on people, they make the spaces more lively, more fresh and loaded with positive energy.

The sound insulation of artificial plant walls will give you a calm and peaceful atmosphere without additional maintenance costs for corporate or personal spaces. The sound-absorbing potential of the artificial plant wall makes this aesthetic system a beautiful and calming sanctuary for your work environment or home.

If you want to get more detailed information about our artificial vertical garden applications and prices, you can contact us.

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